This past year sucked for you? Don’t worry it did suck for all us working in the events photography and videography business around the World. We were all more or less affected by this crazy pandemia, with weddings being either canceled or postponed. Do you know that Sebastian shot 0 weddings out of 25 booked in 2020? But hey, don’t worry! We give 5 good reasons to believe that this upcoming year will be amazing for you.
1. It can’t be worse then 2020
Simple, yet obvious reason is that if you made it so far, you most likely survived the worst part and the darkest hours that overshadowed our industry. So you know what? Congratulations! You deserve a hug, a kiss and a bottle of champagne.
You are a survivor and guess what – your strong will brought you this far, so utilize your inner power to take control back. You can now really fight back and use this last few ours before New Year’s eve to lay out a plan for 2021 and get ready for it, because it can’t be worse that 2020 and it’s really only up to you how you will remember it in 12 month’s time.
2. You have learned the lesson
No matter if you lost money, gained money, lost jobs or transitioned to a different industry so that you can stay alive and provide for yourself and your family – you reacted to what was coming. It was sudden, unplanned and chaotic. Each day felt like another battle with the unknown and everything you did was reactive instead of proactive. Does it sound familiar? But you know what is really amazing about this – you have learned a lesson. When again shit hits the fan you will be prepared as you did so many unusual things in this past year, that you already know in which hole to hide when storm is coming or which flowers to water when sun comes up, right? Possible you even created a whole new business or relationship which you would never have the time, energy or guts to establish if it wasn’t for this crazy year? Congrats again, you are amazing.
3. The power of getting hurt
It’s only when you fall really low, that you can realize how high you were standing up before. Now when you are getting up again on your feet, take your time to appreciate all the goodness that you had, and think how falling and getting hurt will make you stronger and possibly will also make you more fragile to the simple, yet beautiful things – which trust me will be powerful when you get your hands on your camera in 2021. You will have so many emotions, ideas and new perspectives that you creative juices will never stop flowing.
Want to see an example of how I used my falling down process and what I have created in the middle of the pandemia?
I really took all the bad emotions and turned them into something positive. It felt so refreshing to hold a camera again and to really enjoy shooting as it was day 1.
4. You are not alone anymore
What we have learned is that our industry is truly amazing. There are so many of us Worldwide and no matter how far the distance is between us we have something that unities us. Maybe it’s the gear, maybe it’s social media, or maybe we all work in the industry of love (wedding biz) but people are still people and helping each other out. We had weddings this year which we could not fly into like in the USA or Dubai and we found people on the SuperWeddings Academy group that offered their help and if it wasn’t for them we would never,ever,ever get out if this tight spots with our clients this year.
You are not alone, there is always people who will help you and make your life easier, all you need to do is offer a helping hand in return and you will soon discover that in 2021 you have only amazing people around you that share the same values and beliefs. I really need to send out special thanks to Ben Kochanowski, Gione da Silva, Vitaliy Turovskyy and Karol Janicki for being amazing people!
5. You were never so ready like you are now
Maybe you shot a few weddings this year or maybe you were hoping to start out in 2020, or possibly you shot 0 just like Sebastian, but all this hassle, all this waiting has created a creative monster inside of you that is just waiting to get out and “destroy” your next shooting. You were never as prepared as you are now, no matter how experienced you were before. You inner monster is hungry and soon will he eat. So get ready to throw some meatballs or vegan falafels as you are invited to a feast.
Bonus reason – There are no boundaries for creatives
What I have also learned is that being a videographer or photographer is really about being a creative soul that can’t be attached to only one tool – the camera. We can make so much more cool stuff and use our creativity to embrace the life’s of other people. We just need to look around and really understand that we have so much to offer and that there is people out there who will appreciate it. I will give you thre examples of what I have personaly been working on.
1. New Products for Flames & Roses
Firstly, there is something really somsuper amazing for Flames&Roses to not only provide you with the best possible PRESETs and LUT’s for your photos and videos but also I will soon give you more reasons to connect with our brand. Just a little teaser below:
2. Going into art & painting
Second example is that of my wife who has started to paint some mindblowing paintings that she would never even think of doing if it wasn’t for the lockdown. We are now setting up a website for her and I am running every day to the store to get new canvases for her to create awesome stuff. In the meantime you can check her Instagram – if you want to purchase, or have something made specifically for you, let us know.
3. Making Music
I got back together with my band and we started to create music all over again. And oh boy, that’s so much fun and is so refreshing to really start telling stories with sounds, keys, vocals. It’s like making movies but with different vocabulary.
You need to check us on Spotify under Superlviminal
There is so many things that we as creatives can do – we just need to take control back, start being proactive, appreciate our talents and fragile souls and really get up from our butts and start creating, the World needs us! So if you still did not know it 2021 will be amazing, here we come.
Don’t forget to leave a comment on what you are working now so that 2021 will rock it!

Getting ready for 2021?
You will love our “How to work with couples Ebook” it’s a a full break down and how Sebastian works with his couples from the moment of receiving the first email up to sending out the videos and photos. It will completely change the way you work with clients. Get it now for just 29 Euro.
A great point of view in those heavy times. A positiv look for the future (y) is this what we need today.The going into art & painting and making music are very interesting ideas in the meantime and a commendable work and truly crowning achieve-ments. Congratulations. Good luck & all the best in the 2021 (y)