Warsztaty – do przetłumaczenia

Pragniesz robić lepsze zdjęcia i filmy na ślubach?

Przyjdź na moje autorskie warsztaty i dowiedz się, jak rozwijać swój biznes, pozyskiwać lepszych klientów, robić lepsze zdjęcia i filmy oraz cieszyć się większym szczęściem w pracy i życiu.

fuertaventura photographer wedding fashion 06836

Otrzymuję tak wiele zapytań od ludzi z Polski
o moją pracę i sposób, w jaki tworzę swoje historie, że postanowiłem wnowić moje warsztaty i zaprosic
CIEBIE do Warszawy.

Będę tam dla CIEBIE, aby pomóc CI stać się lepszym filmowcem lub fotografem. Opowiem Ci wszystko, co wiem, i odpowiem na wszystkie TWOJE pytania.

Od prawie 5 lat mieszkam w Hiszpanii, skąd planuję wszystkie moje wyjazdy ślubne – zarówno te małe, jak i duże. Powinieneś wiedzieć, że SuperWeddings jest zapraszane na śluby od południowego Meksyku, przez Bermudy i Kalifornię, po Toskanię, Szkocję, Dubaj i Australię. Piszę to nie po to, żeby się chwalić, ale żebyś zrozumiał lub zrozumiała, że w tej pracy nie ma granic, a ja jestem tutaj, aby razem z Tobą je przekraczać.

Czego doświadczysz?

1. Film i zdjęcia naraz

barcelona wedding photographer 376
  • 2 shootings in 2 locations with an amazing couple
  • How to shot both photos and vidoes
  • Ideas for working outdoors and „directing” emotions
  • How to work with the couple during the wedding
  • Posing vs natural reportage
  • Tips & tricks to be more creative

2. Sprzęt i edycja

this couple always wanted to elope in Spain. We guided them with our Elope in Spain ultimate guide
  • What is best to use and what to leave at home
  • Film and photos at once? How is this possible?
  • Camera settings
  • How and where to look for inspiration
  • Editing – or how the magic is made
  • Audio post-production
  • Color correction

3. Biznes i Marketing 

  • How to build your own brand
  • How you can find your dream couples
  • How to book more and better weddings
  • SEO / SEM
  • Social Media
  • Wedding planners

4. Moje-Twoje Story

destination wedding videographer
  • I will tell you how I got to this stage step by step
  • You will learn how my story can serve YOU
  • What I did right and what I would like to do over again
  • My motivation, inspiration and self-development techniques

5. Destination Weddings

zdjęcia rodzinne podczas bardzo luksusowego slubu w stylu glamour w Marakeszu
  • Booking weddings abroad
  • International marketing
  • Practical advice – „what and how to overseas”
  • How to price weddings abroad

6. Praca ze mną za granicą

Rixos Saadiyat Island Abu Dhabi Wedding 354 — kopia

Yes you can go to work with me abroad like many other participants of my previous workshops.

After each workshop, a few selected people get a chance to go to a wedding abroad with me and have the opportunity to work with me on a permanent basis. This is really happening, already many people have been to weddings with me in super places.

Zainwestuj w siebie

1550 pln

Spotkanie z Sebastianem było moim inspiracyjnym szczytem roku!
Jego słowa bardzo mnie wzmocniły, by uwierzyć w to, co robię, i kontynuować poszukiwanie swojej drogi.

Maria Dittrich

fotograf modowy warszawa 5

Stand out or you will be lost

There is no place in this industry for duplicating established patterns

Super Weddings - destination wedding videographer & photographer

We will spend one day learning and the other on 2 couple shoots where we create amazing stuff together.

I will show you how to work during a wedding as a photographer and filmmaker simultaneously

Filmy ślubne Folwark Galiny
crop season 02077

You’ll see my first short film and I’ll tell you how to get started on the adventure of „real” filmmaking.

Discover how to book amazing 4 day Indian Weddings with 19 other photographers

wesele glamour jak zaplanowac eleganckie wesele w Polsce i za granica
Family and Kids photography and videography in Gran Canaria

I will tell you how to create a brand and a lifestyle that will allow you to live anywhere when you want in the World.

My stuff

Below are some examples of my videos of realizations from different parts of the World.
You can see all my videos on my website and vimeo/youtube channels.


Where will the workshops be held
In Las Palmas capital city of Gran Canaria. The detailed location will be shared 14 days prior to the event.

How Can I pay?

You can pay with bank transfer or Credit Card (stripe)

How long will they last?
Typically, my workshops last about 10 hours from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., including a 30-minute lunch break.
On the shooting day we will start at around 14:00 and finish at 20:00

Will there be anything to eat?
Sure, lunch, coffee and snacks are included in the price

What should I bring with me?
A head full of ideas and a notebook and a photo camera of your choice

Can I receive an invoice?
Of course, just remember to provide your details when purchasing
along with the full company name, address and tax identification number.
The invoice will be issued from the Spanish company with 7% Igic tax (equivalent to VAT in the Canary Islands)

Can I cancel?
Once you have signed up and made payment, there are no refunds, but you can sell your place to someone else

Does he receive anything else?
Yes, you will receive a Super Badge with information about your participation in the workshops and a 50% discount on the purchase of Flames & Roses LUTs!

How can I work with you abroad?
Very simply, all you need to do is tell me in the most interesting way what you learned during my workshops on your Instagram or Facebook and send me a screenshot. You have 7 days from the date of the workshop to do so.
The most interesting entry form will win and its creator will be invited as the 2nd shooter to one of my weddings.

Register now – limited space

Full price is :

1550 pln